
Monday, November 11, 2013


My name is Stephanie Tucker. I'm 26 years old born October 25, 1987 in Miami Florida..... I have been in and out of the foster care system twice as a child, once in Florida and again in Kentucky. So I know what its like to be in foster care and believe me its not pretty and nor is it safe. there is no love, no kindness, no sense of family.... Instead there is a lot of child neglect or even abuse..... But of course no matter how many times the child tries to tell the CPS worker about the bad treatment in the foster home the CPS worker ignores it and does nothing about..... Why?....... Its because CPS workers don't care as long as they are getting paid for that child being in the foster care system........ when I was 16 years old my father of whom is bi-polar, kicked me out onto the streets rendering me homeless. I called and told my mother but all she said was "well? what do you want me to do about it? its not my problem"...... so from that age up until almost 4 months ago, I was homeless....

November 27, 2012 I found out that I was pregnant when I went to the hospital.... I was scared to death when I found out because at that time I was homeless..... But even with my fear I was determined to get off the streets before my baby was born...... I tried everything..... I looked for some sort of work through craigslist, I went to the welfare office to receive help but was continuously denied until I was 7 months pregnant and still homeless. I applied for Cal-works and was only given $200 for the first month. The next month I was only given $400. I held onto every bit of that money hoping to find a roommate situation but no one wanted me to move in because I was pregnant and they did not want to have a child in their home.....
I gave birth to my son on the way to the hospital July 15, 2013 at 12:45am. We did not arrive at the hospital until 1:00am.....  at 4am they finally let me push the placenta out..... My son was born with jaundice due to an AB/O incompatibility so he had to stay in the hospital for 7 days which was fine with me because that gave me time to get off the streets...... 3 days before my son was to be released from the hospital I showed proof that I was no longer homeless to the hospital staff including hospital SW Mrs. Katie Wheeler... But Mrs. Wheeler still decided to call DCFS specifically to have my son taken due to my situation at that time and claim to them that I hallucinate, am incoherent, unable to make decisions, and that I have a medical marijuana card.... All of which are lies..... even though they did not give me  mental health evaluation at the hospital to determine this and I had provided proof that I do not have any sort of mental or emotional health issues and the fact that I have never had a medical marijuana card and nor can I get one and even if I qualified for one I still could not get that sort of medical card due to the fact that I am allergic to marijuana.......

Right now I am living in a house in a great neighborhood paying $500 per month in rent..... I make money by cleaning peoples homes, doing massages, babysitting, dog walking, etc. with what I do now, I make more than enough money to fully support myself and my son and I do have proof of this as well...... But DCFS still refuses to give me back my son...... and why is that? its because as always they are receiving money for having another child in the foster care system plus since he is still an infant he is much easier to place up for adoption onto which they will receive even more money....

I want my son back..... I need him back....... He is my life...... My world....... And you people had no right nor reason to take him from me........

I have done everything that you have asked of me.......
I have done everything I could to get off the streets and start working and achieved exactly that
I am fully able to support myself and my son and still have enough for anything else

So now I say this


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